Physical Resources

- Public address for up to 1,000 people indoors, 3,000 outdoors
- Portable High-Performance Surround Sound theater for 12-30 seats large screen, hi-lumen professional projector.
- 8' Presentation Screens with close to screen projectors
- 50' Monitors for presentation and digital signage (networkable)
- Digital Podium with dual mics
- Portable 16 Track Recording Studio

Video Productions Studio
- DMX Lighting System
- 12' x 10' Green Screen
- Acoustically treated room for high intelligibility audio recordings
- Cannon Camera Systems
- Multi track audio recording
- Wireless Body Pack Mic System
- Furniture
- News room style console
- Digital Podium
- Monitor & stands
Professional Services

Site Recording
- Interview Station
- Wireless mic with optional flag for logo
- 10 x 20 White event canopy

Power Point
- Slide Redesign
- Style Templates
- Video Integration
- File size compression

- Studio Camera Operator / Lighting
- Creative director (from our recommended list)
- Editing
- Digital Publishing
- Team services (pick from our network of local, experienced experts for custom work and special services).

- Site Tech
- Mixing Services