Netray, Bri-Tech’s Digital Surveillance System

Camera systems have become a necessary security measure for every commercial building and high end homes. Choosing the right camera for a specific view, adaptable to bright sun light and night scenes takes know-how. Additionally there are recording formats, frame rates and dozens of other details that are required to make sure the video is useable. Netray represents the summary of all the experience our engineers have learned after more than 25 years in electronic security.

The Netray platform is constantly updated so you can be sure you are getting the leading edge components without the risk of investing in unproven technology or products that fall short of performance claims.

All the required components are inside the Netray panel and more than a dozen camera types are compatible. Additional panels can be added and networked.

Accoustic Treatment for High Performance Spaces



A planned space with proper treatments will make the most of your audio experience.

The Immersa Wall Panel  seeks to be the first to “fit the form of their purpose.” While flat panels are better than nothing, they by their nature have an ideal frequency of absorption or diffusion. Because of the unique organic geometry”  within the Immersa wall there is a balance of acoustical treatment over a larger frequency band.

Adding organic forms to treat your theater or listening space make perfect sense, as not a single sound wave is flat. And there is the wonderful esthetic, these panels look great all by themselves and because they have structurally rigid fabric coverings can be affixed.

New Release From Bri-Tech Takes The Worry Out Of Electric Car Charging Time.

Electric cars are the future, but the worry about being stuck at the office without enough power to get home is right now. Bri-Tech, a world leader in home automation and cinema technology has recently developed a system to put that worry in the past.

Symbiant EVCM, an addition to their existing Symbiant Home Automation System,  is a feature that prompts the user via touch screens and text if it does not sense load on the electrical circuit feeding their vehicle.

“We’re extremely interested in clean, green technology for home and automotive use, and we’re excited that this new product may convince more people to utilize electric vehicles,” says Brian McAuliff, Senior Designer for Bri-Tech Inc.

A simple set up screen accessible from a home control panel, or smartphone, allows the user to set a  “scheduled charging detection period.” If Symbiant EVCM does not detect a proper charge within that time frame,  it sends an alert on the screens and via text, or email, to the user. It can also flash lights in the user’s home to alert that there is an issue. Symbiant EVCM logs the time of charge and can be set to alert if minimums are not met, so the user is never left without charge when headed to the office, or home. This new feature is compatible with all Symbiant systems so it can be added to existing installations easily.

5 Arguments For the Tesla


Much has been said about the unique characteristics of the Tesla, but owning one has not really been much of a consideration for typical sports car enthusiasts. Despite the sound that the car doesn’t make, the stellar performance will leave the other sports sedans behind.

Dan’s Papers Award

What does it take to be the best? In the Hamptons and on the North Fork, it takes a particular dedication to excellence, a desire to deliver the best of everything to a discerning group of residents and visitors alike who love the East End. Dan’s Papers has always celebrated the best the Hamptons and the North Fork have to offer, and nowhere is that celebration bigger than in the Dan’s Best of the Best competition.


Bri-Tech is proud to receive the Dan’s Papers Best of The Best  Platinum award for Audio/Video.


Media Sync Technology Means No More Spoilers From The Den

Media Synch, a newly released technology from home media pioneers, Bri-Tech, ensures that no matter which room youre in, the media will follow, seamlessly. 

Long Island based home media design pioneers, Bri-Tech, take pride in perfecting the often overlooked details in home entertainment. Perfect sound balance, effortless control, and carefully crafted lighting that sets the mood at the touch of a button.  The newest addition to their suite of home automation tech products is Media Sync.

“It’s the small things,” says Brian McAuliff Senior Designer for Bri-Tech Inc. “They make a big impact on the way we experience entertainment in our homes.

Media Sync enables users to go from room to room in their homes, and never encounter the media lag that causes televisions tuned to the same channel to display shows out of sync, causing an “echo” effect between rooms.

Turn your empty nest into a love nest

When you imagine living in luxury, an in-home cinema system often tops the list of “must have” items. But who has the space to dedicate a quarter of their home to a theatre?

Maybe you’ve even considered ditching the living room for a theatre, but quickly dismissed the idea as too outrageous. The good news is, you don’t need more than a spare bedroom, or furnished basement get the experience of a world class theatre right in your own home.

Couple’s theaters are rapidly becoming the “must have,” splurge for empty nesters and new retirees. They offer a bit of cinematic paradise nestled perfectly in little Johnny’s former room, or in that finished basement that doesn’t get enough use with the kids out of the house. These home theaters are perfectly tailored to your taste, and are relatively quick to install in most homes.

Trends in Home Theatre

There are three major changes in clients’ requests for home theater and all around higher performing spaces: Clients are interested in performance and not just a cool looking room.

Acoustics: Clients have been asking that designs included acoustical design which is more than just some simple panels. These include bass diffusers and dispersion elements hidden behind stretched fabric. The room is designed in 3D and then analyzed to determine speaker placement and sound control elements. Afterwards microphones are placed in the room to digitally calibrate.

The All New Symbiant Modules

Symbiant HD, a revolutionary home-automation module from Bri-Tech, capable of being completely hidden within a narrow wall, will make it’s debut November, 2014.

A leader in home automation technology, Symbiant, a subsidiary of Bri-Tech, will soon release the newest addition to high tech, high-rise living, Symbiant HD.

The Symbiant HD (Symbiant High Density Home Automation System) is a full function home automation system, specifically designed for penthouse living, and other high-end dwellings where space is at a premium. Able to be completely hidden within an 8” wall, the Symbiant HD module offers minimal space loss, with maximal features, making it the go-to solution for architects and builders looking to get maximum ROI per square foot of living space. Symbiant HD units can also be installed into existing homes.

Included in the system are features including security, lighting, sound, privacy and climate control, all at the touch of a button. Smart phone integration and one touch control is standard, making the system an integral part of any smart home or penthouse.

Hold Off on that IOS Update

iOs 8 may be the biggest iOs to date, and while new features seem like a good reason to upgrade, there are also some very compelling reasons to exercise restraint.

#1 Backup

Before you jump head first into an iOs upsdate, make sure all your important data is backed up! Take your time and go through your entire phone, especially if you have photos, text messages, financial information and other documents that you can’t afford to lose. Don’t rush into updates which may put your data at risk.

Lighting & Mood

Did you know that lighting can affect your mood and behavior? Multiple studies have been conducted on the subject of mood and lighting and many have concluded that the color and intensity of light does in fact affect us in several different ways including our physical health.

For example, poor lighting can make us feel depressed or ill. Also Poor natural lighting can trigger depression and actually has a negative effect on our immune systems. Bright artificial lighting or lighting that causes rooms to appear overly bright, makes us to feel nervous and on edge in the space. Ever notice how fast food restaurants are really bright? It is because you are more likely to eat quickly and leave.

Insufficient lighting can cause us to suffer emotional stress and even physical illness if we are exposed for long periods of time. Natural lighting through windows and skylights has calming effects on our minds and emotions.

Not only does the brightness of light affect us, but the color of light does too.

The all new Symbiant Modules

We are Proud to introduce our new Core Elements! The foundation of the best Automation System In the World! Call us for more info!

Click Here for the Brochure

Technology Update: The Symbiant Quiet Drive

We are proud to introduce The Symbiant Automated Interior Door System. The new Symbiant Automated door system is a sliding entrance system powered by magnetic drive technology. It is very quite and safe when it operates and ideal for interior applications. The Symbiant Automated Interior door is controlled by a box that can be integrated into a Symbiant Automation System.

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